“Have you ever seen alien snot, I can tell you some information.” “Yuck”, alien snot, Room 13 made fake alien gooey snots. We were making green smelly snots.
Our materials were 1 cup of cornflour,a little bit of water and green food colouring. We also need a bowl,spoon. Only three ingredients, easy.
We made our one with groups of four or five.Step 1, we made 1 cup of cornflour then stir.Step 2, a little bit of water into the bowl.Last step,is the green coloured food. Mix them all together and then it’s gooey.
Putting everything back was just fun. Washing my hand I could not get all the snot on my hand.Now I had to clean up with the other boys till it’s clean.While we were cleaning up the rest had to do some works.
Our materials were 1 cup of cornflour,a little bit of water and green food colouring. We also need a bowl,spoon. Only three ingredients, easy.
We made our one with groups of four or five.Step 1, we made 1 cup of cornflour then stir.Step 2, a little bit of water into the bowl.Last step,is the green coloured food. Mix them all together and then it’s gooey.
Putting everything back was just fun. Washing my hand I could not get all the snot on my hand.Now I had to clean up with the other boys till it’s clean.While we were cleaning up the rest had to do some works.
Hello Sosaia! There is nothing like a bit of smelly, stick snot stuck on your hands! It looks like it was easy to make - only three ingredients - you have written up the instructions well. Good job.