Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Friday, November 23, 2012
Manaiakalani is a really famous thing that helps kids which has NetBooks. It also helps with the wireless so that we can share our work with the world. I really enjoy working with Netbooks but I just wish I could learn to look after it properly.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Futruristic Toy
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
My Film Festival Review
Thursday, November 15, 2012
50 word story of The Test
Here is their movie
Watching Room 18’s movie was really funny. It was all about their maths test. It started really quiet. But then..... They started chucking papers around. They were distracting other people, and even calling each other on mobile phones. Their teacher was busy on his laptop. “Test Finish”, the teacher said.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Today My Life Begins
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Scary Doll
Staring at the doll, Alma wiped the frost that had gathered on the shop window to get a better view of the doll. The doll disappeared silently. She crept over to the door. Alma thrust her hand out and pulled down the handle. It was locked. Angrily she walked away and grabbed a snowball and threw it to the door.
Walking away from the shop, suddenly the door flew open. Alma turned around with excitement, and ran to the door. Taking a step in to the shop, Alma looked around. Everything looked so threadbare. Looking around, Alma saw the doll on a table. Peering at the identical looking doll, she stumbled towards it, one step at a time.
Suddenly, she heard something. Alma looked down, and saw a little toy on the floor. It was a boy pedaling a tricycle. Alma put the bike upright, and it cycled circles around her, then over to the door. BANG! It closed just in front of him. The boy kept on cycling forwards, slamming into the door over and over again. He looked as if ….....
Alma looked around, and wondered where the doll had gone. It had disappeared again. She then saw it again, on the shelf next to other dolls. Climbing the sofa underneath her, Alma was ignorant of everything but the doll that looked like her. As she was reaching up for the doll, all the other dolls moved their eyes and followed her. But Alma didn’t notice anything.
When Alma’s hand touched the doll, there was a ZAP!! Her whole life flashed before her eyes. Alma looked around. She couldn’t move. She couldn’t smile. She couldn’t do ANYthing but look around and breathe, which became heavy. Then everything made sense. The boy on the bike (which was still slamming into the door over and over again) WAS trying to escape, and all the other dolls were trying to warn her, but they could only look around.
In horror, Alma saw the next doll wheel up.....
First Day of Swimmimg
Marching into the pool, everyone started shivering. We all started with a great morning. Kicking through the water, I heard, “Stop, Look, and Listen”. I started to be silence. Only the wind was making noise.
We started with kicking. It was fun. Next we kicked with the boards. Kicking up and down, we stopped. Staring at Ms King, she grabbed the noodles.
I did not know what to do with it. The only thing I knew was floating. Ms King threw it two each group of three. We started to paddle and paddle and paddle. We were use to it.
Finishing the morning was the best. Two minutes of free time. Boys wanted to play against girls. There was only 4 boys so that wasn’t fair. Anyway we won the challenge of splashing the water the highest.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Narrative of the Beach
We got there so early. I ran and changed. While changing inside the toilet, I heard a big sound of music. The song was not that bad.
Splashing into the water, I heard a voice that sounds like my mum. “Get back here Joshua”, She shouted, while changing my baby’s nappy. “Can you wait Mum? I’ll come when I am bored”.
Running to the rock, something bad happened.I try to stop but I slipped onto a real hard rock, it felt like gold. I cried and cried and cried. I didn't even stop.“MUMMY MUM!!!”, I cried with my big lump on my head.Mum was right. I should have some rest.
I saw Mum's feet walking towards me. “What happened?”, she said with a really smooth voice. “I don’t know, I just ran then I slipped”, I said nervously. I thought she was going to give me a hiding. But she didn't.
Mum grabbed me and took me to our car. “Let’s go home”, she said while dumping me into the back. I was still wet but she did not care. We left. Just because my dad works at the Auckland hospital, my head was not well. I told him what had happened.
I had to go to the hospital. The next day it was alright for me to go back home to my family. Yay.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Trick or Treating Narrative
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Smoking Not Our Future
Smoking is not a good idea because it could cause many health problems. It is known that there are 4000 chemicals that are put into every cigarette. Smoking gives you a higher chance of dying, in fact 4500 people die in NZ every year. For pregnant women smoking is also very bad for the unborn baby.
Cigarette is a also very expensive habit. In shops the price of cigarettes are $15 for one packet. It could cost you $105 a week if you smoke a pack a day. This could also cost thousands of dollars a year. If you are wondering why the government lets people sell them, it’s because he gets a lot of money for each box of cigarettes that is sold. This is because the government has to spend lots of money on the health problems from smoking.
Smoking can also affect the outside of your body. It makes you look old. I watched a video, where there was a man interviewing a lady who looked as old as my grampa. But she wasn't. She looked like she was in her 40’s while my grandpa was in his 80’s. Which is half the age she looked like.
I really think that teenagers shouldn’t start smoking. Even if people in your family smokes I’d advise you to don't start. It is a really strong thing. Once you start you can get addicted to it. So the best idea is to keep away.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Toy Story Wordle
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Ninja Mouse
The next day, he looked up on the internet as to where to find LeRat. LeRat was the place where the cheese was. It said that it was near Bishop’s shed. Bishop was a little bad superhero. “Ohhhh”, said Frank. Frank the ninga already met with Bishop. But Bishop ran away.
The next morning, Frank heard Bishop’s voice. HAHAHAHA. He looked outside. Bishop was ran holding Frank’s girlfriend. Running down the stairs, Frank rushed outside. The enemy Bishop hopped in his Ferrari and went off. Frank sat in his Bugatti and boosted of to the red Ferrari.
They both arrived in Bishop’s shed. Frank never knew where he was. He started sneaking through the living room. BOOM. Something went down. It was a cage. It snapped a little bit of his hair. “Hahahaha, who do I have here”, a deep voice said. I sounds like Bishop. “Whos here” Frank said. There was no reply.
Frank forgot he had a mini gun. He took it out of his bag and shot the cave. There was a hole at the cave. Finally he was out. He started to sniff through the way. He ended up in the toilet. There was the cheese.
He arrived in. He stopped outside the door. Frank grabbed a hammer from his pocket and threw it on the toilet. Nothing happened. He took one step inside. His arm came out of his pocket, and grabbed the cheese and runned away.
He was nearly home. He noticed he forgot his bugatti. When Frank arrived home his family hugged him with their love. That night they told stories and live happy till they were old. Real Old.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Playing Basketball

Walking down to the caught, I was really excited to play basketball. Do you like basketball? I do. Bouncing the up and down, I realized that I wasn't going fast enough.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Funny Movie
This is a funny video. If you watch it 100 times, you can still laugh. Just enjoy.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Thai Fish Cakes

Have you ever tasted or made Thai Fish Cakes. Point England did well, but sadly we never came first place. It was so easy because we never had to chop anything, but the other groups had to chop chop all day. Myfavorite part of the process is me Iisa cooking the Thai on the pan. It looked really nice. At home I want to cook it, But we don't have the right ingredients. Even I might already forget the ingredients.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
My 50 Word Story

Flags up in the air, Richard smiled proudly. Winning the 100m sprint, is easy for Usain but not him. Celebrating for his country, he waved the flag up in the air. Even though he his happy outside, Richard is even happier in the inside. GOOD WORK RICHARD!!!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Yohan Blake

Shalom Leaving

RING!!! Went the bell. Walking outside the door, I remembered that Shalom was leaving. I was about to leave without saying GOOD BYE. So I decided to go back and say bye. He was leaving to Australia. At Sydney.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Tommy Kapai Wilson

On the projector was a photo of him. Wow. I think he’s FAMOUS. Wait a minute. There is a book we have been talking about. It is called Kapai The Kiwi. Maybe he is the author for that book.Am I dreaming. This is AMAZING. I can’t believe that a famous author has come to our school.
“Putta Boom Boom”, he said. we started laughing. Hahahahahaha. He taught us 5 lessons. The first thing he said to make 10 people smile everyday. I turned around to my mate. Smile. He smiled. “Yay, I did one person smile. He said if someone does something bad, try to forgive them.
What is going to be the next lesson. “Wars and violence is dumb”. I thought he was right. Wars are dumb. Everybody is born with a gift. Thinking in my head, I was thinking what was the gift. And finally he said. SMILE.
Rich people has everything, but in life they have nothing. I thought about that. At the end of his talk, he read one of his favourite books he made. It was about a true story. There was a lady who met princess diana before she died.
Tommy went and interview her. When Tommy finished. He thought he would write a story about her. So he did. He started to write and think. He read the whole book to us. He even Gave some of his books to us.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
The Enormous Crocodile
Once upon a time there were two crocodile. One Enormous crocodile and one not so big. “Mmmm!!! I’m hungry”, said the enormous crocodile. I really like stuff with legs, arms, toe nails and feet. HUMAN BEINGS.
He started to leave. “WAIT”, said the not enormous crocodile said. “Why?”
“Because their bitter, their tough and they have babysitters, their fast you’ll come last and---”
“What’s with the song?”
“I don’t know>”
“You’re not cool. I’m leaving”
“Shut up.”
Swimming through the river, the enormous crocodile sneaked up to a big fat hippopotamus. He crept up to him. UKKK. GOBBLE GObblE GobblE. The enormous croc bit hippo’s leg. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!”, the big Hippo screamed in agony.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Ms King

Ms King is my favourite teacher. She is never so mean like other teachers. She is the only best teacher I have had. So next year, I will want to be in Ms King's class. My favourite teacher. I like her so much. Every time we do something really nice to her, she does something nice to us. I really love her so much.
I Am Making Movies 3

"What the heck". What is Making Movies 3 means. Oh, I know. We have to make movies. Not any movies. It can be scary, funny, and sorts of stuff. Our group, group 2, are making are scary one. It has Loch Ness Monster. There wasn't a real monster. We had to draw it. Underneath is our scripts and our ideas. I am Drake. Hope you like it. :)
Abby: Come ON!! Being at the beach is way better than practising your violin.
Kiara: YEA! Wait I know... you can practise here while we play and explore!
Natalya: Fine. But if I get in trouble from my parents, IT’S ALL. YOUR. FAULT.
Abby: Fine...... Come on Kiara. Let’s go play.
Kiara: YAY!! PLAY TIME!!
(Kiara and Abby walks off into the distance)
Natalya: (Shouting) Ok!! Just leave me here.... TO PRACTICE. ALONE! BY MYSELF.
Abby and Kiara: (Shouting back while running) Ok!
Kiara: Hehe! She looks like she’s having fun!
Abby: Hey look!
Kiara: A cave!
(Kiara and Abby go into the cave, Natalya sees them go in)
Natalya: Really? Where are they going now? IT’S LIKE I’M INVISIBLE!
(Natalya walking to the cave)
(Abby and Kiara step back from the entrance when they bump into Drake)
Drake: AHHH!! Get off me! Get off me! You’ll never eat me!!
(Drake jumps up, the girls scream)
Kiara: Wait. I don’t eat people.
Abby: Oh naah! I don’t know what’s wrong with that chick.
Natalya: What’s coming? (As she enters the cave)
Abby: Hey!!! Natalya...you came.
Kiara: Natalya, are you practicing in here?
Natalya: Nevermind about that, who’s this?
Abby: Some crazy dude.
Drake: I’m not crazy!! It.....it came for me! I’ve been hiding here from it!
Kiara: What have you been hiding from?
Drake: The lochness monster!
Abby: Told you he was crazy.
(Abby and Natalya groan)
Abby: There is none you-
Natalya: This is just rubbish. Let’s go now.
(Starts walking out and Natalya sits down and practises her violin and sees a tail pop out of the water then she stops all of a sudden and runs back into the cave.)
Abby: I thought we were going??
Natalya: Um... maybe we should stay here and...(um) look after this crazy man.
Kiara: But I thought you said.........
(In the background Drake or the crazy man is yelling don’t eat me!)
Natalya: Nope, I changed my mind. Let’s stay here for a bit.
Abby: If you say so?! Well, what should we do?
(The girls are all thinking)
Kiara: Maybe the crazy man can tell us a story! I mean he is old and he looks like he has a story to tell?
Abby: Nice thinking! (High fives each other)
Natalya: Well? Do you have a story?
Drake: Ever since the lochness monster I can’t remember anything except for the lochness monster story!
Natalya: Then tell us that story!
Drake: It was a long time ago. There were 3 girls on the beach like you guys.
Kiara: Oooo.... interesting....
Drake: Back to the story... These girls were very curious and and they loved exploring. One of these girls also played the violin like you (pointing to Natalya). One day the girls came down to the beach and one girl had the violin with her.
Natalya: This sounds alot like us!
Drake: But it’s not you... Anyway, the girls were dancing around and the girl with the violin started to play. Soon a huge monster came out of the water and......
Natalya, Kiara and Abby: AND...
Natalya:That story was very interesting. And those girls sounded very much like us. But I don’t get how the monster came out of the water, what was summoning him?
Kiara: Maybe the girl playing the violin summoned the monster?
Natalya: That’s right! When I went outside, I started to play my violin and a saw a tail pop out of the water.
Abby: So that’s why you came back in so worried.
Natalya: Violin playing attracts the lochness monster!
Kiara: Cool!
Abby: Well, what should we do now?
Kiara: Maybe Natalya can get the monster in here and-
Drake: I’ll attack it by surprise.... Just a thought, don’t have to listen to me.
Abby: That’s a good idea! Are you up for it Natalya?
Natalya: Um.... (thinking)..... Sure, lets give it a go!
(Natalya goes outside and starts playing the violin and then the lochness appears, animation)
Scene 4
Natalya: (Stops playing and looking up at the monster) Oh my gosh! It worked! Hey guys, come look! (Walking into the cave to get Kiara and them) Hey Drake, you need to come see this!
Drake: No! I can’t. I don’t want to still remember all the stuff that he did to me in the past. GET THAT THING AWAY!!!
Natalya: Ok, but aren’t you going to kill it?
Natalya: Um... Who are you?
Josh: I’m a distant relative. Believe me, I CAN KILL THIS THING. Come on Drake. (Says dramatically) Let’s kill this thing. NOW!
Drake: NOW!
Josh: NOW!
Drake: NOW!
Josh: NOW!
Abby: Today would be fine ladies.
Kiara: Oh that’s enough! Let’s die this thing!
Natalya: And for a minute I thought you were smart Ara. Let’s slay this mother!
( Abby, Kiara and Natalya run up to the monster and look up at nothing because it’s green screen. When they kill it, it’s all going to be in animation)
Josh: Wow ladies. That was pretty impressive. Wanna go....
Kiara, Abby and Natalya: (Walking out of cave) NO!